Mars Galliculus - "Remotivate" Download
Zweites Album von Mars Galliculus. Wieder ein bunter Mix, in dem viel ausprobiert wird.
2nd album by Mars Galliculus. Again a colourfull trial and error mix.
1. anschnallen (fasten your seat belts)
2. regards to some outside
3. zeit (time)
4. freiheitssuche (searching for freedom)
5. biance (rosa brille) (bianca (pink glasses))
6. delta-kinder (delta-children)
7. der schrei (the scream)
8. in my dreams tonight - part ii
9. never go back (a-version) 11. das dritte kind (the third child)
12. don't drag me down (with Mighty Janni)
13. schwarzmalerei (painting it black)
14. inner stranger (hidden mix)
15. am fünften tage tot (dead on day five)
16. lieber deine stimme (prefer your voice)
17. schick mich in die einsamkeit (send me into loneliness)
18. jaja (meat-mix)
19. what is to do (love-lets-wait-mix)
20. never go back (e-version)