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Home Überfall-Records (Engl. + Dt.) Releases: Download Mars Galliculus - "Inner Stranger" Download

Mars Galliculus - "Inner Stranger" Download

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Mars Galliculus - "Inner Stranger" Download
FREE DOWNLOAD: MP3-zip - Frontcover - Backcover

Das erste Mars-Galliculus-Solo-Album nach dem Ende der Piss Köpex. Sehr gemischt und durchwachsen.

The first Mars Galliculus solo album after the break up of Piss Köpex. Very mixed in style and quality.

Reviews on archive.org:

Reviewer: Waluigifan - [5.0 out of 5 stars] - August 2, 2009
Subject: Very well done!
This is the best album I've ever heard! You have a cool music style, and I like the voice of the singer! My favorite Songs are "Mind Rapists" and "Inner Stranger". Keep up that great work!

[Sorry for my grammar mistakes, I speak another language]

Reviewer: gmanrodt - [1.0 out of 5 stars] - July 18, 2005
Subject: This sucks
This is aural torture. Besides being a complete mess musically, there is no continuity of style. There is no attempt made to compose a "tune" or even maintain a key, let alone a pitch. The "singeR" when he "sings" forgets where he is in the rythm, does not sing in tune, and the quality of his voice is grating and irritating.

This honestly sounds like it was compoased by 12-year-old with a drum machine and a collection of old, B-rated German films, and too much time on his hands.

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Aktualisiert ( Mittwoch, 18. November 2009 um 05:35 )