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Home Überfall-Records (Engl. + Dt.) Releases: Download Kat Spot - “March of the Dizzy Loonies” Download

Kat Spot - “March of the Dizzy Loonies” Download

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Kat Spot - “March of the Dizzy Loonies” Download
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Gleich auf stolze 78 Minuten und 53 Sekunden Gesamtzeit bringt es Kat Spot mit ihrem Debut. Wer hinter der waghalsigen Länge Masse statt Klasse vermutet, sollte sich offenen Ohres eines besseren belehren lassen. Von klassischen Wurzeln und einem Hang zur Avantgarde geprägt, wenden sich umschmeichelnd schöne Melodien immer wieder zum verstörenden Psychotrip. Freunde von Vergleichen stellen sich einfach vor, wie die Residents mitten im Stück Yann Tiersen das Klavier umschubsen, der dann aber leicht irritiert einfach mit ihnen gemeinsam weiterspielt.
She debuts with 78 minutes and 53 seconds. But who thinks Kat Spot presents quantity instead of quality should open his or her ears for better knowledge. Classical roots and a faible for avantgarde are shown in these beautiful melodies that always float into disturbing psycho-trips. Friends of comparisments just imagine how the Residents throw down Yann Tiersen's piano in the middle of a music-piece and he simply goes on playing slightly irritated with them.

Reviews on archive.org:

Reviewer: southwest3210 - [5.0 out of 5 stars] - March 29, 2007
Subject: Tim Burton flashbacks
This sounds like a wonderfully creepy accompaniment to any animated Tim Burton animation. Extremely atmospheric. Sounds
better than many bona fide movie soundtracks
I've heard. Do yourself a favor and download the entire piece, and listen to it as a whole.
Childishly playful, sonically brilliant, with more than a hint of foreboding thrown into the mix. Great work, and fun as well!

Reviewer: Jay King - [5.0 out of 5 stars] - November 5, 2006
Subject: Gauzy Music Box
Kat Spot has created some dark soundtracks for the movies in her mind. She fills out the skeletal tunes with layer upon layer of gauzy dressing. The result is sort of a scarey yet amusing music box. Similarities to the soundtrack work of Irmin Schmidt.


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Aktualisiert ( Donnerstag, 19. November 2009 um 00:31 )